An open letter to Reception Mums & Birth Mother Me

So next week is looming, your mini human is off to big school.

They’ve been going to nursery, but this feels so different. They may be your first baby or your last baby, but the thought of the first day makes your heart beat a little faster and your palms a bit sweaty.

Early in the summer you got all you needed to buy – bought the uniform, the shoes, the water bottle, the book bag and the labels. The letter with all the first day details are kept safe in your pile of important bits and you’re wondering when to actually ‘do’ the bits like label the uniform and pack up the PE kit. And just as you’re thinking that, boom… your heart starts racing again, but you still don’t know why.

Maybe because you’re just hoping that you’ve got and done everything you need to do, so you turn up on time with all the bits they need.

Or maybe the juggle with work is just going to be so intense for all those settling in hours and you have no idea how you are going to be everything to everybody.

Or maybe it’s because they aren’t looking forward to it and you just hope and pray they they make a friend, actually walk into the classroom, don’t get too sad or all of the above.

Or maybe it’s because you are dreading the idea of being without your sidekick and all the ‘mum-otions’ that brings. And I mean ALL those emotions. Time is flying and this is unknown territory.

For these last few days of holiday exhaustion, bite your tongue – both your emotions are running high. Plan some time just for the two of you to just look in eachothers eyes and connect. And I mean siblings away, phone down, tv off type connecting.

Get book bags packed, water bottles out and clothes labelled in plenty of time. Being up against time is a sure fire way of making that first morning way more stressy & shouty than it needs to be!

Hold their hand and walk through those gates with them and be that ever-present support they need. Oh and don’t forget to get a picture of them by the school sign/gates so you can get that ever special first day v. last day of primary school comparison picture.

The reception year is truly magical. They really are like little sponges and just grow and learn in every way possible. If it’s anything like our school, their whole year will be around fully immersive learning through play and the magic is off the chart.

More than anything else… have faith in your parenting up until this point. All the love you’ve given, the learning, the sharing – as a good friend of mine reminded me – they’ll need you just as much but in a different way.

All that work you’ve put in so far and this is their time to shine. Make sure you step back and marvel at all that you’ve created and nurtured. You’ve mothered this beauty of yours. You’ve got them to this pivotal milestone. Pat yourself on the back as your lip quivers, or your smile turns into that ugly trying-not-to-cry-keeping-a-brave-face-on-it type contortion. This is an adventure and the most spectacular show & you get front row centre. And don’t forget to breathe.

You’ve got this. I see you.


To the mum with a colic, reflux, silent reflux baby & I see you - with Birth Mother Me


An open letter to my 6 month old & Birth Mother Me