Our Blog
Don’t forget to look up
Laura Stocks - Birth and Postnatal Doula shares her journey of gratitude and how she encourages new mothers to look up.
Is it normal
I have been thinking so much the last few days about this question. I get asked it over and over again as a doula
My Birth Story
On the morning of 25th January while so many were cracking on with the morning school run
Love always wins
Reflecting back on the last year since the terrorist attack at London Bridge and what an insane roller coaster of emotions it’s been.
My darling doula
Thank you, for the hope and love you gave me before you even graced this earth.
To the mum with a colic, reflux, silent reflux baby & I see you - with Birth Mother Me
As you crumble to the floor just wanting the screams to ease.
As you master the courage to leave the house, but the fresh air hits you and you just walk and sob.
An open letter to Reception Mums & Birth Mother Me
So next week is looming, your mini human is off to big school.
They’ve been going to nursery, but this feels so different.
An open letter to my 6 month old & Birth Mother Me
Today you turn six months old. How on earth did that happen?
I can’t believe that you’ve already been on this planet for 182 days.