My darling doula

Thank you, for the hope and love you gave me before you even graced this earth. At a time where everything seemed so dark, the hope of your arrival and the need to nurture and provide for you as you grew inside me simply kept me going.

Thank you – on a practical level – for not coming early and allowing me to get the building work finished and actually move back into our home! For that I will be eternally grateful.

Thank you for your teamwork and swift arrival. I will never forget the connection I felt with you and my body during your birth, the most connected and whole I have ever felt in my whole life. In our home. A home that has been filled with even more love since that day.

Thank you for showing the most innocent, raw love to your siblings – the moments between you all and the unconditional love you share makes my heart sing.  You bring out a sense of responsibility & care in them which I absolutely cherish. They adore you.

Thank you for seeing me. When you look at me, I feel like your eyes are literally touching my soul. Through all the screaming, the reflux and your allergies which we are still working out, thank you for all those outpouring looks of love, they kept and are keeping me going.

Thank you for your laugh. I know the world gets carried away with firsts like teeth, crawling and walking, but for me this time where we communicate just through smiles, love in our eyes, giggles and gurgles, will forever have the most sacred space in my heart.

Thank you also for giving me the chance to put all that I’ve learnt about pregnancy, birth and the mother moon into place. The magic is real.

Even more than that, thank you for giving me the opportunity to be a new mum again! A mother of three!! Thank you for your patience as I still battled like any new mum with listening to my gut,  battling with sore nipples, getting to know your cries and basically just winging it.

Thank you for being you. The energy you bring to our family as a piece to our puzzle is just so beautiful. I am beyond excited for all the joy that’s to come. My heart is truly full.

Thank you for the days that we forget the rest of the world just for a bit and focus on us. Mother and baby. Skin to skin. My happy place.

Thank you for choosing me.

Your mummy x


Love always wins


To the mum with a colic, reflux, silent reflux baby & I see you - with Birth Mother Me